Thursday, May 3, 2012

You're Ugly [send]

I have a total fear that we are rapidly becoming the rudest, most thoughtless, self-indulgent and heartless society EVER.  In the era of such advanced technology, it’s very possible to live life and take out your frustrations and get revenge on others, all the while being completely incognito.  We’re safe behind the anonymity of our tinted windshields, our phones and computers that allow us to treat people however we want because we no longer run the risk of getting popped in the face like the good old days.  Yes, yes now you can just fire off an angry e-mail or call the hotline and get someone fired or just basically ruin a total strangers life and/or day without feeling a thing or ever having to face anyone and be forced to ask ourselves the question:  “Was that really necessary?  Or was it just too easy?”

As social networking expands, the odd part of in all of this is; we are completely losing our social skills.  When we’re not treating total strangers like dirt online these days we’re barely interacting at all face to face.  Why offer a smile to the cashier at the store?  I’ve got fresh victims living in my computer to devoir when I get home!  I’ll give a for instance:  I challenge you to look up any youtube video; the videos content has absolutely no relevance.  Scroll down and if the first two pages of viewer comments doesn’t have you questioning where we as a people are headed than you won’t relate to this blog on any level.  Just cut it off and just stop reading now… 

It’s the mixture of pure maliciousness and the out n’ out stupidity that leaves me beating my head against the keyboard.  Let’s separate the commenters into a few groups, shall we? #1:  “The Troller” – These are the people who live to leave nasty comments for the thrill of making waves.  They like to go to “In Memory” videos and call the deceased an ugly slut or say things like:  “Kill it!  Kill it with fire!” on a video of a girl that’s not so cute and made the mistake of trying to sing”.   I find anyone that entertains their nonsense to be equally stupid.  Then I notice “The Troller’s” profile pic is a World of Warcraft character and they’re watching videos of kittens rolling around in a bowl at 10:00 P.M. on a Saturday night so that would explain their anger towards life in general and I guess we’ll chalk that up as punishment enough for now.  #2:  “The Uptight Guy” -- This is the person who could spoil a wet dream.  An example:  I was watching an adorable video of a guy playing around with his Doberman Pinscher.  They were playing, aggressively yes but it was clear through both his and his dog’s body language the dog was having the time of his life.  Jason and Piper play like this all the time; she absolutely loves it.  The guy and his dobe were taking turns in the role of “alpha” and when it was the human’s turn he would roll his dog over on his back, roughhouse a little and start all over.  When it was over, it was over.  The dog was told play time was over and to sit.  The dog sat immediately and was shown affection.  There was nothing going on but a guy having fun with his dog and a dog having fun with his master.  But oh no…  no, no, no…  inevitably there has to be the occasional comment out of the realm of “that was adorable” to point out how you should never turn a dog on its back because that’s considered threatening and a degrading thing for a dog and will result in a bite.  Yeah, ‘cause you know this particular dog and this owner so well, right?  Why do you care if he gets bit, for that matter?  I can see how the dog’s glistening coat and obvious respect for his owner would lead you to believe he is being mistreated and should be removed from his playful, loving, stable home so he can be put in a shelter and euthanized in a week.    I hate this guy the most.  He represents the wussifcation of America and it’s that kind of thinking I blame for the over-inflation of political correctness and frivolous lawsuits.  Thank guys like him for tort reform.  Yep, that guy…  I hate him more than “The Dumbass” which we’re getting to now…  #3:  “The Dumbass” -- We’re not going to spend much on “The Dumbass” because it’s pretty self-explanatory and a waste of my time.  They leave comments like:  “Is this for real??” on images of hideously photoshopped creatures from the planet Schneckenbloink.  At some point you realize they can’t help it and the pity factor kicks in so you allot forgiveness.  I guess my point through all this is I have this fantasy of lifting the veil between commenters and video posters, post comment war, and see what happens.  Total lab rat scenario.  I can’t help but think no one would have a damn thing to say.  I think you'd hear crickets...  Why?  I think the answer is obvious.  I think to truly examine the belief that people are inherently good you really need to examine how the majority of people act when given the privilege of having absolutely no consequences for their actions.  Nine times out of ten, a person is going to opt to be a dick.  Like it, don’t like it…  I calls it like I sees it. 

My neighbors have 2 dogs.  They get out of the back fence pretty frequently.  They roam around, they’re not hurting anyone but animal control is always here within minutes;  which means, a neighbor has spotted them on the loose and called them.  I have to ask the question:  “Do those dogs roaming around REALLY bother someone THAT bad that they feel the need to report them and have their dogs taken away?”  Or was it just too easy to make ruining someone else’s day the highlight of their own?  As soon as I figure out who keeps getting their dogs taken away I’m going to sue them for emotional distress and increased paranoia that everyone really is out to get me….  Oh but wait, then they’d know who I am, huh?  There are court orders to keep them away and keep me safe though, right?...........RIGHT?  Would we like, have to face each other and stuff?

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