Lately, I’ve noticed a lot of facebookers complaining about people who post too much or tell you about every little thing they do. I will admit, statuses like “At the store” can make things like, “Well, I’ll alert the media!”, cross my mind but, I guess what I find amusing about it is that if someone is so annoyed by it, there are options through account settings that allow you to either delete that person or just hide their statuses, (which leaves less hurt feelings). If you’re reading statuses by someone who frequently annoys you, what does that say about you? Some people are just addicted to the “ick” factor. The love to hate… Hey it’s okay; it’s been me once or twice. I’m rarely exempt from the same things I gripe out, let me just say that now. Although, one should admit they are in the same “place” at the same time to get their daily dose o’ boring, too. I think people lose sight of the fact that people may have several friends on their friend list but actually only interact with a select few. In most cases, it’s family. I’ve never added anyone I didn’t actually know but over time I got very slovenly with my “adds”. I realize I share a lot via facebook but that’s because my family is scattered all over the country. I had to clean facebook house and take it down to people I love, family, and those who would most likely actually address me if they saw me in a public place. My family uses facebook as a “check in” tool. No one has to make any long, drawn-out phone calls to make sure everyone’s okay and to keep up with their day to day lives. We share pictures, stories, videos and it’s a very useful way for us to feel like a piece of us is there and witnessing it even though we’re so far apart. Not every status someone produces has anything to do with you or was even intended for you or had a thought of you when written. It’s kind of arrogant to assume that. I could understand being annoyed if someone stopped you in a store to tell you some mundane thing you didn’t care to hear because that’s on your time. Well, it was on facebook…………….and you’re on facebook. Get where I’m goin’ with this? It just happens to be in a public forum, (as odd as that sounds even in my own head….) I guess these are modern times, people. I think there are two options; either enjoy being a fly on the wall or “hide status”. It’s a handy little tool. I wish I’d have had the option to “hide” people all my life. For some of you, I sure do enjoy being a fly on the wall of your life.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Every Step They Take
I’ve learned my lessons about not being prepared when it comes to my camera. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been at an event and went to take the money shot and nothing happens. I check the screen only to read, “card is full” or “battery low”. I have a temper and always want to just throw the camera across the room. (It only takes about a second to realize I’d have to buy a new one so I would never actually throw it. I just have a healthy hissy.) It’s my way of deflecting the blame for out and out negligence on my part.
My mom always said she thought I was sweetest when I was sleeping. (...I get what she meant now.)
I intended to capture a sweet shot of them coloring together. Instead I captured a kurfuffle. (Reid colored on her page.) Don't worry, perfectly normal.
Must've had a rough day...
I’m feeling quite proud of myself today, though. The thought to make sure the camera is charged and both chips are fully unloaded occurred to me in plenty of time for tonight’s game. I always love to open a chip and remind myself what’s on there. I have 2 4GB chips that I have to unload frequently because I take so many pictures. Just in looking through 2 chips tonight, I think it’s kind of awesome how well documented my children’s lives will be when they are older. Every little mundane thing to every really huge thing they ever did is there. Not just in pictures but also in my facebook page and blog. If my facebook page and blog always remain, they will always be able to read and look back at their daily lives.
We all know I talk a lot about my husband and my kids. Occasionally if something makes me laugh, go “huh?”, or otherwise pisses me off, I’ll throw that in, but for the most part I talk about them. They are my life so I have kind of documented their lives by documenting my own. I know that’s a little deep but I think it kinda rules. It’s like a play by play of the adventures in their childhood; the good, the bad and the down-right ugly. I <3 that.
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