Friday, February 18, 2011

They Shoot Fat Girls, Don't They?

Yesterday I sat down to fold a mound of clothes and got carried away in a documentary.  It was basically the story of 5 different couples who met online.  There was one particular storyline of a guy who was using chat rooms to meet random girls and hooking up, (for lack of a better way to put it.)  He eventually did find love and settled into a meaningful relationship but that’s not what got me all riled up.  He met the majority of them and went through his “harem”, woman by woman, describing each.  He did point out that he’d chosen to meet these women initially based on their personalities but quickly got into how disappointed he was by their appearances after meeting them in person.  It seemed the reoccurring theme of his problem was the girls were just too heavy.  I guess the thought that he’s unlikely to run across Adriana Lima cruising “Single & Lonely” at 11:00 on a Saturday night never crossed his mind, but I guess we can all suppress a little logic for the sake of what you hope to be true… and because HE'S EQUALLY PATHETIC.  I digress…  He said he just couldn’t get passed the weight issue and found himself embarrassed to be in public with these women.  What I’m failing to mention is the guy in question was short, portly, incredibly hairy and frankly, not that attractive.  I also feel the need to touch on the fact that he cruises for chicks in chat rooms.  I think this speaks volumes but if I’m being at all vague, I’ll be more specific:  If he had any confidence at all, he’d meet women in actual life or cruise the selection at his local meat market bar like the living.  But no, he's safe and confident behind the anonymity of his computer screen, allowing his personality to come through first.  Women seem to be more responsive to this than men, but that’s a whole different blog.  It’s like he knew this and used it to his advantage.  He does this, because in the cool, grey dawn of morning he knows he's no catch, either.
I guess this all got me thinking about how harshly women are scrutinized in our society.  Is this what it’s come to?  Men like this can be finicky?!?!  I think something more disturbing than that is that women seem to have turned on each other in response to this pressure.  If I find her flaws, I’m better and have the right to live.  I’ve noticed some women who would sooner take a beating than dole out a compliment to another woman.  It’s vicious out there, ladies.  Think about it, you sit down and watch the Style Network.  They literally have segments called, “Who Wore It Better?”.  They put women on a split screen and decide who has the right not to hate herself today because she paired the right shoes with the right bag or hid her cellulite better than the other girl.  Do you ever see men on the “Who Wore It Better?” split screen?  I recently discovered Natalie Portman graduated from Harvard.  Who knew?  It seems more relevant to shove the fact that she chose an inappropriate pastel down my throat.  I’m guilty of never wondering if the girl had a brain.  We’re fed that emaciated is beautiful, you shouldn't age and being fat should be punishable by death.  Who cares if she's dumb as a bucket of hammers as long as she looks like what we BELIEVE she should look like.  We’re buying into it and I’m over it.
OOoop!  She’s got a muffin top!  HANG HER!
I guess the whole point of my little harangue here is that I feel like women have lost their dignity and value.  Never devalue yourself or let yourself be judged by someone who doesn’t deserve you.  Be nice to other woman.  Celebrate each other and know you are worthy.  Otherwise, more and more women will end up with guys like the one I mentioned, who think they can do better.  They'll end up with guys like this due to a lack of self esteem from being beaten down from the opposite sex and even worse HER OWN.  There will always be bigger, better, richer women who can afford the plastic surgery.  So while you’re busting your hump doing pilates, she’s got an appointment tomorrow to get the fat sucked right outta those thighs.  There’s always a bigger dog in the fight and it will always tick you off so stop hating yourself.  Sometimes you just have to let go, let God and EAT THE CUPCAKE.  Never compromise and never get down on yourself.  I realize, as women, we’re always going to look down and hate that extra roll or find something about ourselves we can work on but what I’m saying is, we need to take back our dignity.  We live in a world where Perez Hilton can be a judge in the Miss America Pageant.  And honeys, let me tell you something…  I’ve been around gay men all my life.  You think women harshly judge each other’s appearance?  Gay men are 10 times worse and Perez ain’t even a ‘5’ on the gay attractive scale, OOOkay?  So in conclusion, you got a fat ass?  Rock that fat ass because I refuse to live in a world where fat, hairy, dill holes who still live with their parents can judge the beauty of a perfectly good woman. 
Tawanda - The Amazing Amazon Woman


  1. Bahahahaha! Well said Misty! Wait til I post my picture in a bikini sporting my pooch and roll :) Back in the courtesan days, voluptuous was sexy.

  2. I did a little research and I found that a woman invented the bra (that's understandable), a woman invented the corset, a man invented the girdle and a man invented control top pantyhose. I guess both sexes are equally to blame for our body image ideas. Back in my single days I always thought it was sad that you could be in a club and there would be beautiful girls, though a bit on the plump side, but with beautiful faces, hair, makeup and probably great personalities, getting passed over by men. It seemed that no matter how bar fly looking (you know, cage bangs, green eyeshadow, cheap perfume), the men would gravitate to them like a moth to a flame. I would think to myself that they probably lived on coffee and cigarettes but it didn't seem to matter to the men. It's been this way all my life (I put a lot of blame on Twiggy), and it will probably always be this way. In some cultures plump people are praised - it shows that the man is a good husband, he can provide good food for his wife. Here it seems that the amount of self control it takes to not eat and exercise feverishly is looked upon as a good thing.

  3. Preach it, Sister! I've got a post on my blog from a couple of months ago that is very similar. I'd love to force feed Anna Wintour a pizza!
